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Give love and gratitude back to the makers, crafters, DIYers, and mumtrepreneurs in your life! Or give your laptop the ultimate homecoming mum sticker in YOUR school colors. Visit the Mumentous Shop on RedBubble for original sticker designs by artist and MUMENTOUS author Amy J. Schultz.
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Micah at Talking Animals Books, Grapevine, TX
Do you have a favorite local place to buy books? Me, too. Even if your favorite brick & mortar bookshop doesn’t stock MUMENTOUS on their shelves, they can always order it for you by the ISBN number. Many also have their own page on so you can order from them online anytime.
If you’re visiting Grapevine, TX, be sure to check out Talking Animals Books. They carry signed copies of MUMENTOUS in store and on their website. Plus they’re completely awesome.
Another awesome place to pick up a copy of MUMENTOUS and a limited edition enamel pin is the gift shop at the Arlington Museum of Art in Arlington, TX.
Visit the MUMENTOUS events page to find pop-up book sale events where you can get your book signed and personalized by the author.
Finally, to support the “world’s largest new and used independent bookstore,” visit the Powell’s City of Books website.