Texas Homecoming Mums: 2024 Trend Watch
I consider myself a mumologist (a word I made up). A mumologist is a person who studies the history and heritage of homecoming mums (a definition I made up). I’m genuinely fascinated by the origin story of homecoming mums and all the complicated reasons why the tradition evolved differently in Texas than everywhere else in the United States.
Although my book Mumentous was published last year, I continue to learn by conducting ongoing research, collecting oral histories, and carefully watching traditional and social media for clues as to where the tradition might go — um, grow — next. I do this in order to increase my own understanding of the big picture and share that understanding with others.
When I was recently asked about the HOT HOMECOMING MUM TRENDS FOR 2024, I knew right away that my job was not to answer the question but to ask the experts how to answer the question. In the world of homecoming mums, the experts are the people involved in the supply chain in Texas: distributors, wholesales, retailers, and mum makers. Collectively, these mumtrepreneurs (another word I made up) have built their businesses on successfully predicting and responding to consumer demands. So let’s get to it!
According to the experts….
Hot Homecoming Mum Trends for 2024
QUICK TAKE: School colors continue to be in high demand for underclassmen mums and garters, but “fashion” colors/accents in senior mums and garters have become very popular in recent years. Traditional senior mums and garters in white, with or without metallic (silver or gold) accents, also continue in popularity. High end or “designer” mums have become an established style of mum in some regions, driven in large part by mumtrepreneur innovation.
IN THE NEWS: North Texas mom makes Stanley mums the biggest 'little' trend
Old school trinkets are being used less, while custom cut-outs are in. Bows are in. Pink and pastels are in.
Small mums—including Croc micro-mum charms, backpack mums, mum earrings, and Stanley Mug mini-mums—are coming in hot.
As always, popular sizes, styles, and trends vary by region and by school.
In addition to individual mums and garters, be on the lookout for more Team Mums in 2024, including possible challengers to the Guinness World Record Largest Homecoming Mum, created in 2023 by Lewisville High School.
Quotes from the experts
“Hey there! Central Texas (Temple) hoco maker here. In this area, I am still seeing a strong request for senior silver and white mums and garters. Over the past couple years, “personality colors” for seniors have begun to grow in popularity. Custom cutouts are still king. Large non-traditional trinkets are popular — things like mini leather drill boot, rhinestone encrusted keychains, disco balls, etc. And braids and chains are still the most popular items, with lots of creative varieties to make and for customers to choose from.”
— Erica, Homecoming by Erica
“Pastel colors are being requested more this year. Mint, pale yellow, and lavender is what I’ve seen the most this season.”
— Laura, Lala’s Crafty Creations
Backpack mum, Yellow Rose Traditions
“Most of the requests that I have seen are for backpack mums, mum flowers that are not white, and lights on the crown.”
— Valarie, Yellow Rose Traditions
“Year after year I have requests for pinks and lavender. This year is my year of hearts for all grade levels.”
— Jennifer, After Dark Custom Designs
”Who knew Hello Kitty would be back? Rose gold continues to be in demand, as well as champagne. Pinks of all shades are still big, with pink and orange as a fun new twist.”
— Teresa, The Saleplace
“Soooo many orders for hot pink and light pink!”
— Diane, Dee’s Custom Designs
“Last year may have been Barbie’s year, but I have more pink orders this year then every before. Bows are in full flair. Surprised a bit that this year, I had fewer requests for Taylor Swift-themed mums than last year. Requests for acrylic trinkets are up. Underclassman are continuing to go rogue by adding random non-school colors into their mum.”
— Jennifer, Crazy Mum Lady
“I can only talk about trends in my area (Rio Grande Valley). I have gotten a lot of pastel orders, and for some reason there has been a rise in burlap, randomly. I also see a lot more detailed in my customer orders…
After the launch of my couture collection, a lot of girls are either seeking couture or ordering the mega with couture detailing. I think the RGV is phasing out of trinkets and embracing more of the cut outs as well as imprint ribbon. I’ve also noticed that seniors are liking the color reservations I have going on, with some mum makers in my area messaging me asking what it is.”
— Lizzy, Simply Mum Creations
“Last year I had a lot of requests for rose gold. This year seems to be shades of pink.”
— Laura, Laura Lee’s Mums
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Shameless Plug for MUMENTOUS
If you enjoyed reading this, you might enjoy my book, Mumentous: Original Photos and Mostly-True Stories about Football, Glue Guns, Moms, and a Supersized High School Tradition that was Born Deep in the Heart of Texas.
You don’t have to take it from me. Look for independent reviews of Mumentous scattered throughout my website. Like this one:
“… Mumentous by Amy J. Schultz makes crystal clear that while the tradition continues to evolve and mutate, Texas homecoming mums in all their colossal glory and maybe a bit of infamy are here to stay. But they can’t possibly get even bigger and fancier, can they? Texas moms: ‘Darlin’, hold my iced tea (or wine) and pass the glue gun.’ ” — Ruthie Jones, Reading by Moonlight