How (and where) do you get a homecoming mum?
Like a typical corsage/boutonniere exchange, the homecoming mum tradition in Texas goes like this: a boy asks a girl to go to homecoming with him. The “Ask” is usually done in a clever or funny way, ideally weeks before the homecoming game (click here for an example).
© Amy J. Schultz (photo presented in black & white to give it a nostalgic look)
It’s understood that “going” to homecoming together means attending the homecoming game (whether football or basketball), attending the dance if there is one, and exchanging a homecoming mum and garter. The couple arranges in advance to exchange the mum and garter a couple days before homecoming day.
This implies that the boy will buy his date's mum for her and the girl will buy her date’s garter for him. This is an important detail can be lost on Texas newcomers. Another important detail is that in reality, oftentimes parents or other family members buy or make homecoming mums for their sons and daughters, or for their sons and daughter’s dates.
Another common scenario is that friends skip the tradition altogether, go shopping for supplies together, and make mums for each other. I’ve also met many students who created their own mums with their mom, dad, or other relative. Sometimes students receive mums because of their participation in a student organization. In some families, the mum or garter is always given by Mom or another matriarch.
Now that your homecoming plans have been made, how are you going to get the mum you’re either going to give to someone else or wear yourself?
Basically, there are three ways: buy one ready-made, make one yourself (or together with your date, your friends, or a crafty family member), or order a custom mum. Whatever you do, don’t wait until homecoming week to get started.
PRO TIP: If you’re buying or making a mum or garter for someone else, get together with the other person in advance to brainstorm ideas and talk about expectations.
Before you make or buy a mum…
Take a few minutes to visit this page and see a photogallery of 15 different types of homecoming mums. and visit this page to see What goes on a homecoming mum.
How to make a homecoming mum
There are tons of blog posts, videos, and TikToks dedicated to this topic! I recommend you start with a simple tutorial video like this one to get the general idea.
If you’re feeling ambitious, search for videos on how to braid homecoming mum ribbons. You’ll be amazed at all the different techniques.
Where to buy mum-making supplies
Before you start shopping for supplies online, I recommend you visit your local craft or fabric store, or if you live in the vicinity of one, a retailer or wholesaler of mum-making supplies. Even if you end up sourcing materials online (search “homecoming mum supplies wholesale” + the name of the closest big city near you), I promise that the experience of walking through aisles and aisles of homecoming mum supplies will stick with you.
If you like the idea of making a mum yourself but the thought of starting from scratch is a little terrifying, ask your local retailer or mum-maker if they sell a “homecoming mum kit” or “homecoming mum set”. You can also find them online.
Looking to save money? This is an opportunity to get creative. I’ve seen some amazing mums that were created for practically nothing out of non-traditional materials from grandma’s craft closet.
Source: thespiritshoppe on TikTok
Would you be willing to upcycle last year’s mum? Or share mum-supplies with a group of friends? Facebook Marketplace is another source of “gently used” mums you can repurpose into your own. I also hear Temu is another source of inexpensive ribbon, but that I can’t confirm or deny.
Reducing cost isn’t the only motivation to ask yourself: does your mum have to look like everyone else’s? Just because the saying is, “Everything’s bigger in Texas" doesn’t mean your homecoming mum has to be. The best mum is one that tells the world something about your personality as well as your school spirit. So, for example, if you love your Crocs, lean into it.
Where to buy a ready-made or custom homecoming mum
A senior and his garter attending an early morning homecoming breakfast. Photo by Amy J. Schultz
The simple answer is, buy local.
Most florists aren’t in the homecoming mum business any more, so ask around. Teachers, students, and parents will know if any retailers in your community sell ready-made mums. Many mum-makers offer ready-made mums through their online shops. I’ve seen some on Etsy, too.
If you prefer a custom mum, sometimes a local craft store will offer this service, but there is always at least one local mum-maker in every community who makes and sells homecoming mums. Some are moms (mum-makers are almost always a woman) who run a small business and only promote through word-or-mouth; others are entrepreneurs who have been in the homecoming mum business for years. If you’ve asked around and still can’t find her, use your favorite search engine, social media, or visit
Keep in mind that a custom mum takes time, so order early. It’s late April, and there are some in-demand mum-makers in Texas who are already taking orders for fall.
How much does a homecoming mum cost?
The Lavish Line mum promotional photo, DK Florals Inc.
The answer to this question depends entirely on the style and complexity of the mum, who’s making it, and the availability of supplies.
In 2024, the average cost for a homecoming mum was between $75 and $500. This doesn’t tell the whole story. I’ve met students whose mums cost almost nothing, because they repurposed last year’s mum or someone else’s they bought on Facebook Marketplace, supplies on hand, thrift shop finds, and sheer creativity.
Recently, a Texas mom told me that her son and his girlfriend went to a florist and ordered an “old school” homecoming chrysanthemum corsage and boutonniere to give to each other. Total price? $65.
On the flipside, the extremely complex and highly customized mums created by a professional mum-maker are typically priced at $500 or more. You can go on TikTok and find interviews with students claiming a sticker price of over $1000 for their “couture” mum. Factors that go into determining that price include the cost of materials, expertise, profit margin, and labor. I mean, let’s face it, nobody’s throwing together a lavish senior mum (like the one pictured) on the night before homecoming.
Shameless Plug for MUMENTOUS
If you enjoyed reading this, you might enjoy my book, Mumentous: Original Photos and Mostly-True Stories about Football, Glue Guns, Moms, and a Supersized High School Tradition that was Born Deep in the Heart of Texas.
You don’t have to take it from me. Look for independent reviews of Mumentous scattered throughout my website. Like this one:
“MUMENTOUS is a rich and complex narrative that is more than a look into a homecoming tradition. It’s a tribute to legacies that connect generations, and an ode to mothers and daughters. Written with compassion and curiosity with rich photography, Schultz gets past the glitter and ribbon to what matters most. Community.” — Kimberly Packard, award-winning author